Are These The 4 Most Neglected Pages On Your Blog

Are These The 4 Most Neglected Pages On Your Blog?

Writers Write creates blogging resources and shares blog writing tips. In this post, we ask: Are these the 4 most neglected pages on your blog?

The 4 Most Neglected Pages On Your Blog

There are four important, mostly static, pages on your blog that you probably neglect. They are the  ‘About Us’, ‘Personal Bio’, ‘FAQs’, ‘Contact Information’ pages .

You have probably noticed that there are millions, if not billions, of blogs out there. Some of them share the same content you plan to share. This can be discouraging, but a great ‘About Us’ page helps you differentiate yourself from them. Why? Your ‘About Us’ page is all about you. And no one can be more you than you.

About Us

What do people like to see on an About Us page?

  1. A photo of you. It should be a nice one, where we can see your face.
  2. A bit of who you are that includes where you come from and what you blog about.
  3. Meet the team – if there is one.
  4. Links to your top, or favourite posts (you can add this later).
  5. Write a manifesto that explains your passion for your subject, write a mission statement, or make a video. Maybe, you can do all three, but remember to have fun while you are doing it.
  6. Customer or reader testimonials. If you have them, use them.
  7. They want you to show what is ‘in it’ for them.
  8. Your personality – be yourself.

Personal Bio

The only thing more difficult than writing an ‘About Us’ is writing a ‘Personal Bio’, but the same rules apply. If you are a fun quirky person, makes sure your bio is fun and quirky. Charm your reader. Make them smile. Surprise them.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

Make a list of the 10 most asked questions in your industry, or about your product, and answer them. If your business has been going for some time, you should have an idea what those questions are. If not, make your own, until you have questions you can use. This not only saves time, but this shows your reader your expertise.

Contact Details

  1. Make it easy for a reader to contact you or to subscribe to your blog.
  2. If you only use a cell phone number, be sure to include a physical address.
  3. Add social media buttons so your readers can connect with you where they feel most comfortable.

Top Tip: If you want to learn how to blog, sign up for our online blogging course.

Posted on: 15th February 2016