The Sound Effects of Poetry 3: How To Run Your Rhymes
In this seven-part series, we examine the different sound effects of poetry. Today, we talk about how rhymes add great sound to your poetry.

28 Writing Prompts For February 2025
Writers Write shares writing prompts and writing resources. Use these writing prompts for February 2025 to get you writing.

Why Chapters & Their Lengths Matter
In this post, we explore why chapters and their lengths matter when you write.

5 Netflix Shows That Will Make You A Better Writer
Why don’t you watch these Netflix shows that will make you a better writer?

6 Of The Oldest First-Time Authors
This post is all about the World’s Oldest First-Time Authors.

The Sound Effects of Poetry 2: How Sound Creates Meaning
In this seven-part series, we examine the different sound effects of poetry. Today, we talk about how sound creates meaning.

Hilary Mantel & Writing Historical Fiction
In this post, we look at Hilary Mantel and how she wrote historical fiction.

Why Writing Is Like Swimming In The Sea
Swimming in the sea and writing books have similar journeys.

The Sound Effects of Poetry 1: The Basics
In this seven-part series, we’ll examine the different sound effects of poetry. Today, we start with the basics.

I Know I Should Care, But Do I?
In this post, we look at why we should care about a book, but don’t.

Business Writing in 2023
In this post, Writers Write looks at business writing in 2023.

TikTok Tips For Writers
In this post, Writers Write looks at how TikTok can be useful for authors.

Can Artificial Intelligence Write?
In this post, we look at Artificial Intelligence and how it affects writing.

Better Security For Writers & Journalists
In this post, Writers Write examines better security for writers & journalists.

Bad Business: 9 Words & Phrases To Avoid
In this post, Writers Write explores the worst words and phrases in business writing and how and why to avoid them.

The Art Of The Complaint Letter
In this post, Writers Write looks at how complaint letters should be written.

Building A New Blog From Scratch: Part 3 – A YouTube Channel
This is the third post in my series about starting a new blog. I will be talking about setting up a YouTube channel.

5 Incredible Story Beginnings & Endings
In this post, we look at five incredible story beginnings & endings.