The Benefits Of reading

The Benefits of Reading – An Infographic

This infographic looks at the benefits of reading.

‘A man’s bookcase will tell you everything you’ll ever need to know about him.’ ~Walter Mosley

At Writers Write, we know reading makes us feel better and we love collecting quotes by famous writers on reading. We also know it makes us better writers – in business and in novel-writing. We recently posted an article on how reading is vital for human development. It has also been said that reading different genres could improve different aspects of your writing.

The Benefits of Reading – An Infographic

This infographic, from Raphael Lysander’s blog, The Metamorphosis Journal, explains why reading is so good for us.

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Posted on: 24th July 2015

5 thoughts on “The Benefits of Reading – An Infographic”

  1. Hi I love your info graphic, could I have your permission to re-use it for a reading workshop?

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