20 Myths To Use As Writing Prompts

20 Myths To Use As Writing Prompts

In this post, we define myths and we share a list of myths to use as writing prompts.

Writing prompts are an excellent way to stay in good writing shape. Great sportsmen and women train every day to be the best they can be. Writers need to find a way to be as disciplined.

Writing leads to more writing, and if you set aside 30 minutes a day for a prompt you will be more confident about your writing. It will also inspire you.

[Must-Read: All About Writing Prompts & Writing Practice]

What are writing prompts?

“Writing prompts are suggestions for writers. They are usually words, images, or sentences that describe an idea or a situation. They give writers a starting point. We post a daily writing prompt on our Facebook page as well.” ( From Lyrics as Writing Prompts.)

What is a myth?

A myth is a traditional, usually ancient story involving supernatural beings, ancestors, or heroes. It is used to explain aspects of the natural world or to show the psychology, customs, or ideals of a society. Myths exist in every culture across the globe.

Examples include: Eros and Psyche, the Myth of CreationDaedalus and Icarus, Noah and the Great Flood, the myth of Arthur and Camelot, and The Rain Queen.

Why don’t you write a myth using one of these ideas as inspiration?

20 Myths To Use As Writing Prompts

20 Myths To Use As Writing Prompts

Use these prompts to create a story that explains the unexplainable. You can also use myths to build a plot for a novel.

If you want a free daily writing prompt from us, sign up here: Join Our Newsletter

Top Tip: Find out more about our workbooks and online courses in our shop.

 by Amanda Patterson

© Amanda Patterson

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Top Tip: Find out more about our workbooks and online courses in our shop.

Posted on: 6th May 2014

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