The Starter Block: Getting Ready For NaNoWriMo

The Starter Block: Getting Ready For NaNoWriMo

Around the world, writers are getting ready for National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo as November is now known by writers, all itching to take on the challenge of writing a novel in a month.

The Starter Block: Getting Ready For NaNoWriMo

While part of the fun is writing the novel at white-hot speed during the month of November and meeting your word count target every day, you can do some preparation work before the starter’s gun goes off on 1 November. Once you have cleared a work space, you can make sure you’re fighting fit when the day arrives.

Warm up your writing muscles.

Get into the habit of freewriting again, writing without worrying about spelling or grammar, but focusing just on getting the ideas and the story down. Read Natalie Goldberg’s Wild Mind: Living the Writer’s Life for dozens of writing prompts.

Find a workable story idea.

If you don’t have an idea for your novel, brainstorm some possible ideas. If you’re stuck, why not find your idea generator or use an online plot generator.  Learn to embrace the power of a blank page.

Eureka, a title.

Before the start of NaNoWriMo, you can announce your title on the NaNoWriMo website. Sometimes having a title can help you make a connection to your project; it becomes real and tangible – even if it is a working title. Read more about finding a title.

Good luck with the challenge ahead!

Create a writing habit with Hooked On Writing: 31 Days To A Writing Habit

Posted on: 17th October 2018