The Audience’s Journey
The audience’s participation in The Hero’s Journey Original source for the image. Writers Write – Write to communicate
7 Memorable Literary Quotes For Halloween
Writers Write is your writing resource. In this post, we share 7 memorable literary quotes for Halloween.
55 Famous Writers – What They Did Before They Wrote
In this post, we look at the day jobs of famous writers before they were successfully published.
5 Reasons To Use Plain Language
Writers Write is a plain language writing resource. In this post, we give you five really good reasons to use plain language.
The Hero’s Journey
In this post, we share an infographic of The Hero’s Journey, a device used by many writers when plotting their books.
What Is Plain Language?
Writers Write is a plain language writing resource. In this post, we answer the question: What is plain language?
About The Details
In this post we talk about the details, specifically, when the devil is in the details.
10 Things To Consider When Naming Characters
Choosing names for fictional people is important. We have put together this list of 10 things to consider when naming characters in your books.