Literary Birthday – 30 June – Winston Graham

Winston Graham was born 30 June 1908, and died 10 July 2003.

Six Quotes

  1. Give me the comma of imperfect striving, thus to find zest in the immediate living. Ever the reaching but never the gaining, ever the climbing but never the attaining of the mountain top.
  2. All I knew was that I was writing something out of my very guts, and that I was content.
  3. I have been under considerable pressure to buy at least a laptop computer. I have always turned the suggestions down for the reason that I have never done creative work on a typewriter. There is to me a lack of empathy.
  4. Life is not kind — nor is it in any way even-handed.
  5. I rely on hearsay for everything that has happened in the world before I was born, and the world as I know it, till end on the day I die.
  6. I have by now written a great many novels, and must through them have surely revealed a fair amount of my own nature and public feelings. Let that suffice. Tolstoy says somewhere; ‘There is no point in visiting a great writer, because he is incarnate in his works.’ Should this not to some extent be true of the less important writer? Even down to the least important of all.

Winston Graham was an English novelist. He was best known for writing the Poldark series. He wrote over 40 novels, which were translated into 17 languages.

by Amanda Patterson

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Posted on: 30th June 2014