Meet Best-Selling Author, Susan Lewis

Meet Best-Selling Author, Susan Lewis, at Writers Write on 18 June 2014

Susan has led an intriguing life. She started working in television, and when she wanted to become a producer, she was told “Oh, go away and write something.” So she did. After becoming a best-selling author, she lived in the South of France and then in Hollywood. She finally sold her house on the Riviera in 2010 and now lives in Gloucestershire. Visit her website to read more.

And all of this while writing best-seller after best-seller. We don’t know how she does it, but we can’t wait to meet her. We hope you join us.

Where? Ten Bompas Boutique Hotel, 10 Bompas Road, Dunkeld, Johannesburg
How much? R350 per head (this includes an amazing three-course meal, a talk by the author, Q&A with Amanda Patterson, and a book signing)
When? 18 June 2014 
How long? 18:00 for 18:30 until 21:30


Books will be available for purchase from Random House on the evening. Drinks are for your own account.

To read Amanda Patterson’s older interviews, click here.

If you want to learn how to write a book, join our Writers Write course in Johannesburg or sign up for our online course.

Posted on: 17th May 2014