Literary Birthday – 3 April – George Herbert

George Herbert was born 3 April 1593, and died 1 March 1633.

Nine Quotes

  1. Woe be to him that reads but one book.
  2. Take all that is given whether wealth, love, or language, nothing comes by mistake and with good digestion all can be turned to health.
  3. Love and a cough cannot be hid.
  4. Do not wait; the time will never be ‘just right’. Start where you stand, and work with whatever tools you may have at your command, and better tools will be found as you go along.
  5. A lean compromise is better than a fat lawsuit.
  6. Good words are worth much, and cost little.
  7. He that cannot forgive others, breaks the bridge over which he himself must pass if he would ever reach heaven; for everyone has need to be forgiven.
  8. Living well is the best revenge.
  9. The eyes have one language everywhere.

George Herbert was a Welsh-born English poet, orator, and Anglican priest. His poetry is associated with the writings of the metaphysical poets. His works can be read in The Complete English Poems.

by Amanda Patterson

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Posted on: 3rd April 2015