Daily Writing Prompt

Who made this heart? Where is the beach? Name the person. How old is he or she? Why was it made? 

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Writers Write – Write to communicate

Posted on: 2nd June 2015

0 thoughts on “Daily Writing Prompt”

  1. A long-standing, very beautiful, very loving girlfriend of mine. We had planned to place a Lovers’ Locket on a bridge in Paris but we correctly judged that the authorities would stop that practice and remove all the lockets.

    Instead she and her sister were spending a few days in the Seychelles where they collected these pretty stones and created a heart with them.We all know that THIS heart will have been swallowed up by the sea. But the sentiment was and is real.

    I’m not allowed to tell you her name but I can say that her initials are a blend of P, K and A. She is young but not so young, she is mature but not beyond her years.