Daily Writing Prompt

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Writers Write – Write to communicate

Posted on: 19th October 2014

0 thoughts on “Daily Writing Prompt”

  1. much easier to answer than it sounds at first glance — if it is a reading holiday, then it does not matter where it is. in fact, unless there is a huge caravan of servants to tote along all the books necessary for a whole week of RBR (Relaxation by Reading) — either my own comfy couch with all the books piled right next to it with a robot to fetch tea and sandwiches when needed or the local public library if it will allow food and drink inside and a local eatery will deliver … and then **sigh** just a very few minutes while I travel back home when the libe closes for the night but at home will then settle in at the sofa again … Now, if i need to go somewhere where the window in the room has a window seat and a beautiful view of the locale, then … hmmm … has to be somewhere where the view is enough and will not lure me out into it to distract me from my books and reading … unlikely to find such a place worth spending the money to get there and not immerse myself in it. No, there can be no “Reading-Holiday Destination” except to a place focused on books, books and more books … and I can do that right where I am as long as the eAudiobooks hold out and keep adding more to the list of available books … **HUGE GRIN**