35 Items To Add To Every Writer's Wish List

35 Items To Add To Every Writer’s Wish List

Do you have a writer’s wish list? We’ve put together 35 items we think most writers would enjoy.

Writers are the heroes of their own stories. They bravely struggle to get their words down on paper, battling their insecurities and avoiding distractions as they will themselves to get to ‘The End’ of the book.

I’ve put together a wish list for writers to help them get to their destinations. Some of the items are funny and others are serious. I hope you enjoy it.

35 Items For A Writer’s Wish List

  1. Time to write.
  2. The ability to avoid procrastinating when you have the time to write.
  3. Unlimited cups of good coffee (or tea).
  4. Chocolate.
  5. Wine (if the chocolate and coffee are not working).
  6. Books.
  7. Time to read those books.
  8. The ability to accept criticism from professionals.
  9. The wisdom to reject biased critiques from family and friends.
  10. Books on writing.
  11. Bookish gifts.
  12. Inspiration from unlikely sources.
  13. A space to write.
  14. A writing desk (or a standing desk).
  15. Learning the rules of writing.
  16. Breaking the rules of writing (now that you know what they are).
  17. Conversations with intelligent people.
  18. Interviews with interesting people.
  19. An invisibility cloak to avoid people who watch reality television shows.
  20. Noise cancelling headphones.
  21. Time to visit bookshops.
  22. Time to daydream.
  23. Perseverance.
  24. Curiosity.
  25. Courage.
  26. Support from loved ones.
  27. A creative writing course.
  28. A writer’s retreat.
  29. Letting go of the fear of rejection.
  30. Letting go of the fear of not being good enough.
  31. The willpower to stop talking about writing… and write.
  32. Finally finishing the story.
  33. The ability to write a fabulous synopsis and jaw-dropping query letter.
  34. An agent.
  35. A publishing deal.

I hope you get some of the items on this list (or your list). Happy writing.

Top Tip: If you want to learn how to write a book, join our Writers Write course in Johannesburg or sign up for our online course.

Amanda Patterson by Amanda Patterson

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Posted on: 23rd December 2016

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