31 Writing Prompts For October 2021

31 Writing Prompts For October 2021

Writers Write shares writing prompts and writing resources. Use these writing prompts for October 2021 to get you writing.

This year, we will share practical tips for using writing prompts at the beginning of each post. In October, we look at how to increase your word count.

[Editor’s note: If you want to get all 365 prompts, with the 12 chapters of advice, upfront and in a special workbook, please click here.]

Increase Your Word Count

‘Write freely and as rapidly as possible and throw the whole thing on paper. Never correct or rewrite until the whole thing is down.’ – John Steinbeck

Writing every day will build up your endurance. It is about learning to trust your creativity and to trust the writing. You will learn that when you show up to the page the words will also be there. That only happens by building a habit, but this habit will have many benefits.

By this time, you should know how many words you can write in a set amount of time. You can increase this time as you become more practised, but you can also work on increasing your word count.

Try writing a little faster every day. It helps to keep track of your daily word count. By tracking your word count over a few days or weeks, you will see how many words you can write in the specific time.

Start by increasing that number by a few words every day.  Don’t put too much pressure on yourself. Remember free writing is about exploring, but if you are working on changing your writing, it can be a good way to increasing your output. If you can, increase your time, but if you can’t, increase your word count, or ideally do both. We have to learn to write on demand.

Changing your writing and improving your skill and speed will take time and patience.

PLEASE NOTE: In 2021 we will share our monthly writing prompts, as usual. But, if you would prefer to get all 365 prompts upfront and in a special workbook, please click here. The workbook includes 12 chapters of writing prompt advice – one for every month of the year, together with 12 awesome printable lists. Buy The 365 Prompts Workbook

31 Writing Prompts For October 2021

31 Writing Prompts For October 2021

Download your prompts here: Writers Write Monthly Prompts October 2021

PLEASE NOTE: In 2021 we will share our monthly writing prompts, as usual. But, if you would prefer to get all 365 prompts upfront and in a special workbook, please click here. The workbook includes 12 chapters of writing prompt advice – one for every month of the year, together with 12 awesome printable lists. Buy The 365 Prompts Workbook

Do you want a daily prompt?

If you would rather have a free daily writing prompt from us, sign up here: Join Our Newsletter

 by Mia Botha

Buy Mia’s book on short stores: Write the crap out of it and other short story writing advice

Looking for more prompts?

  1. 30 Writing Prompts For September 2021
  2. 31 Writing Prompts For August 2021
  3. 31 Writing Prompts For July 2021
  4. 30 Writing Prompts For June 2021
  5. 31 Writing Prompts For May 2021
  6. 30 Writing Prompts For April 2021
  7. 31 Writing Prompts For March 2021
  8. 28 Writing Prompts For February 2021
  9. 31 Writing Prompts For January 2021
Posted on: 1st October 2021