We have 37 book reviews for you this month. We hope you find one or two that you will enjoy reading in this list. If you haven’t read our reviews before, we have a rating system, which is explained below.
Our reviewers rate books from 1–5
- For use as a doorstop only
- Keep for publishers’ and booksellers’ strikes
- A great holiday read
- You’ll remember this with enthusiasm a month later
- Unforgettable
If you are writing a book, and you read a lot, you may want to read 9 Things To Think About When You Read Like A Writer.
Here are the reviews:
- 101 Kruger Tales compiled by Jeff Gordon (Leadwood Publishing) 4/5
- Always Anastacia by Anastacia Tomson (Jonathan Ball Publishers)
- Beer Safari by Lucy Corne (Struik Lifestyle) 4/5
- Blacks Do Caravan by Fikile Hlatshwayo (Jacana)
- Blue Cow Sky by Peter Church (Mercury)
- City Rooster by Claudia Eicker-Harris (Struik Children)
- Cold Case Confession by Alex Eliseev (Pan Macmillan South Africa) 4/5
- Demigods and Magicians by Rick Riordan (Puffin Books)
- Dudu’s Basket by Dianne Stewart (Jacana)
- First Bite: How We Learn To Eat by Bee Wilson (Fourth Estate) 4/5
- Flesh And Blood by Riette Rust (LAPA Publishers) 4/5
- Granite by Jenny Robson (Tafelberg)
- Holding My Breath by Ace Moloi (Blackbird Books) 4.5/5
- Jimfish by Christopher Hope (Atlantic Books)
- Missing, Presumed by Susie Steiner (The Borough Press)
- Mzansi Zen by Antony Osler (Jacana) 4/5
- Papwa – Golf’s Lost Legend by Maxine Case (Kwela Books)
- Predator by Wilbur Smith with Tom Cain (HarperCollins) 4/5
- Season Of Salt And Honey by Hannah Tunnicliffe (Macmillan) 4/5
- The African Orchestra by Wendy Hartmann (Jacana)
- The Beautiful Possible by Amy Gottlieb (Harper Perennial) 4/5
- The Bridge Ladies – A Memoir by Betsy Lerner (MacMillan)
- The Constant Queen by Joanna Courtney (MacMillan) 4/5
- The End Of Whiteness by Nicky Falkof (Jacana) 4/5
- The Girl From Lace Island by Joanna Rees (Pan)
- The Muse by Jessie Burton (Picador) 4.5/5
- The Name of God is Mercy by Pope Francis (Blue Bird) 4/5
- The Place That Didn’t Exist by Mark Watson (Picador)
- The Reader On The 6.27 by Jean-Paul Didierlaurent, translated by Ros Swartz (Mantle) 5/5
- The Salmon Who Dared To Leap Higher by Ahn Do-hyun (Pan)
- The Scattering by Lauri Kubuitsile (Penguin) 5/5
- The Shouting In The Dark by Elleke Boehmer (Jacana) 4/5
- The Trouble With Mojitos by Romy Sommer (Harper Impulse)
- This Present Darkness by Stephen Ellis (Jacana)
- Ultimate Pregnancy, Birth and Parenting Guide by Sister Lilian (Human & Rousseau)
- Unlocking The Secrets To Scorpios by Trish MacGregor (Page Street)
- We Are All Made of Molecules by Susin Nielsen (Andersen Press)
If you’re looking for reviewing tips, read our popular post: How to write a great book review.
We want to thank PanMacmillan South Africa, Jonathan Ball Publishers, Penguin Books South Africa, RHS and Jacana Media for the review copies.
1 thought on “Writers Write – Our Book Reviews – July 2016”
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