Liesel Schwarz

Writers Write graduate signs international book deal

Opening with A Conspiracy of AlchemistsRandom House/Del Rey have published the debut work in the UK, USA and Germany. The Chronicles of Light and Shadow is a series of fantasy novels set in an alternative Europe in 1903. The series is a fast-paced romantic adventure in a complex world, where the forces of Shadow and Light battle for power.

Liesel attended Writers Write and Writers Write 2. ‘Liesel was a wonderful student. She wanted to learn. She was also determined and talented,’ says Amanda Patterson, Writers Write founder. ‘I’m thrilled that she’s had this success.’

A Conspiracy of Alchemists has received excellent reviews and the second book will be available later this year.

If you want to learn how to write a book, join our Writers Write course in Johannesburg or sign up for our online course.


Posted on: 17th April 2013