Where To Find Online Writing Jobs

Where To Find Online Writing Jobs

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There are many ways to find well-paid writing jobs online, and we’re going to share some approaches in this article. Multiple freelance platforms offer job for various professionals like designers, IT specialists and writers. One just needs to find websites that meet his/her requirements.

Freelance Platforms

There are a great number of online platforms where freelancers can meet clients. Such websites as LinkedIn, UpWork, Freelancer, Contently, Skyword or Freelance Writing are several examples of these websites. It may not be easy for newbies to find a job there, but as soon as you acquire more experience, you will have many customers. However, you should make a great profile to attract potential customers and advertise yourself properly.

Social Media

Social media can also help to find writing jobs even if it sounds odd. Twitter and Facebook are the best in this respect, but you should develop a certain strategy of job search. For example, you may follow the posts of influencers or search in social media using the following keywords: “hiring”, “writing jobs” or “jobs posted”. Searching inside of the groups is a good idea as well.

Resume Writing Services

One of the opportunities of finding a prospective freelance job is to join a resume writer service. This job is well-paid, and you can learn how to write a resume that sells easily. Many similar writing services hire writers regularly. Just browse these websites and check whether they’re currently hiring.

Paid Blog & Guest Posts

Websites like Contenta, FlexJobs or Freelance Writer’s Den accept high-quality blog and guest posts. You will be paid for content that meets their requirements. Contenta is quite expensive to join, but the number of writing jobs you can find it is enormous. FlexJobs welcomes to join both paid and non-paid freelancers, but more options are available for the former. Freelance Writer’s Den is a job board where you can find writing jobs for professional writers.

Websites for Creative Writers

If you’re professional in this field, you may try to find a job on websites offering payment if writers contribute to their websites. These websites sometimes place their rates right on the home page. Try The Write Life, B2B Writing Success, JustParent, Writer’s Weekly and many more to discover your writing talent and get paid. The topics are different, and you can find the one you’re the most experienced to deliver high-quality posts.


Finding writing work online is easy enough, but finding well-paid freelance options that would meet your requirements may take more time. We mentioned several top freelance websites that you can try to apply. You will develop your own strategy of finding new viable websites offering work for writers with time. Until now, writing your resume and applying for as many freelance websites as possible seems like a good idea.

 by Jennifer Broflowski. Jennifer works as a content manager for craftresumes.com. Her job is her inspiration, and she loves what she does.

Posted on: 31st May 2019