The Top 10 Writing Posts for August 2014

These were the Writers Write posts you enjoyed most in August 2014.

  1. Eight Commonly Misused Words – Common mistakes made by writers
  2. Punctuation Personality Types – Which one are you?
  3. Why you need strong verbs when you write – Three ways strong verbs improve your writing
  4. 20 Literary Quotes About Cats – Writers have always been fascinated by cats
  5. What does it take to write a book? The five qualities published authors share
  6. Start here: Three things you need to do at the beginning of your novel
  7. Six Fascinating Character Types – Characters should be fascinating
  8. The Plot Maker – Create a rom com storyline in five easy steps
  9. Tolkien’s 10 Tips For Writers
  10. Five Ways to Make Description Work in Your Novel – Description is a way to engage the reader’s imagination.

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Posted on: 6th September 2014