Paul Celan was born 23 November 1920, and died 20 April 1970.
Six Quotes
- Poetry is a sort of homecoming.
- Only one thing remained reachable, close and secure amid all losses: language. Yes, language. In spite of everything, it remained secure against loss.
- Reality is not simply there, it must be searched and won.
- A poem, as a manifestation of language and thus essentially dialogue, can be a message in a bottle, sent out in the –not always greatly hopeful-belief that somewhere and sometime it could wash up on land, on heartland perhaps.
- no one / bears witness for the / witness
- Only truthful hands write true poems. I cannot see any basic difference between a handshake and a poem.
Paul Celan was a Romanian poet and translator. Born into a Jewish family in Romania, Celan translated William Shakespeare’s Sonnets in a ghetto during World War 2. He became one of the major German-language poets of the post-World War II era. His work is collected in Poems of Paul Celan.
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