Judy Reeves

Literary Birthday – 15 October – Judy Reeves

Happy Birthday, Judy Reeves, born 15 October.

Five Quotes

  1. Probably the most common question about process is, ‘Do I have to write every day?‘ I tell them it’s a good idea to write every day, at least five days a week if possible. I say they need to create what Flannery O’Connor called ‘a writing habit‘ and that the writing will come easier if they do it daily and writing every day keeps the story alive.
  2. Probably the most important thing I’ve learned is that if I don’t make the time to do the writing, the writing won’t get done. It is so easy to say, ‘I’ll do my writing as soon as I _____________.’ You can fill in the blank.
  3. Get the words on the page, I say; read them aloud and give them an edit or two to make sure the whole thing works, then do the fine tuning and wordsmithing.
  4. I’ve been a student of writing for so many years, and I am grateful to all the writers who have shared their experience so I am able to get better at this thing I want to do most in the world.
  5. My writing community is critical to my well-being; to my self-esteem and conversely, to my humility; and to the writing itself.

Quotes taken from Q & A with Judy Reeves – follow the link to read the full interview.

Read: Judy Reeves’s 10 Daily Habits That Make a (Good) Writer

Judy Reeves is an American writer, teacher and writing practice expert whose books include A Writer’s Book of DaysWriting Alone, Writing TogetherA Creative Writer’s Kit, and The Writer’s Retreat Kit. Find out more about Judy Reeves and buy her books here.

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Author’s bio


by Amanda Patterson

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Posted on: 15th October 2013