Enquire Or Inquire - Which One Should I Use?

Enquire Or Inquire – Which One Should I Use?

This post will help you to know when to use enquire or inquire in your writing.

Enquire Or Inquire – Which One Should I Use?

What is the difference between the two words?

Is one more correct than the other?

No, both are verbs that mean to ask for information from someone. The corresponding nouns are enquiry or inquiry.

We can use either spelling, but some people prefer enquire and enquiry for the general sense of ‘ask’, and inquire and inquiry for a more formal investigation. However, there is little difference in the way the words are used today.

British English vs US English  

Enquire and enquiry are more common in British English. Inquire and inquiry are more common in US English.

Posted on: 26th April 2016