Happy Birthday, Lisa Kleypas, born 5 November 1964.
- I wouldn’t necessarily advise you to write what you know (because who among us has been lucky enough to meet a sexy vampire or a handsome 19th century viscount?) but definitely write what you love to read.
- Joining writers support groups is a fantastic way to get support and the latest advice.
- If you interested in writing romantic fiction, definitely join the Romance Writers of America (http://rwanational.org/).
- Ideas and inspiration come from everywhere. Sometimes it’s music I’m listening to, or sometimes ideas will be sparked when I see movies or read books (I especially love biographies) . . . I have also used my own experiences, or things I’ve seen on the news.
- With each book I write, I try to challenge myself with a situation I’ve never written about before, and that’s when I have to do a lot of imagining and pondering. That’s the most fun part of the job. The difficult part is having the self-discipline to get through the marathon of writing a novel.
Lisa Kleypas is an American author of historical and contemporary romance novels. She is the RITA award-winning author of 21 novels. Her books are published in fourteen languages and are bestsellers all over the world. Her latest book is Devil’s Daughter: The Ravenels meet The Wallflowers.
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