Happy Birthday, Lauren Kate, born 21 March 1981.
Nine Writing Quotes
- I wanted to be a ballerina until I was about 15 and was told I didn’t have the right feet, ever since then, I’ve wanted to be a writer.
- I majored in creative writing in college, and went on to get a masters degree in fiction—but I don’t think those things are necessary to being a good writer. Practice, curiosity, voracious reading, and diligence are more important than any degree.
- I finished writing my first novel right when I graduated college—but nothing ever happened with it. It look another six years before I had a book accepted for publication.
- I surprised myself by meticulously plotting out Fallen before I wrote it. Character descriptions, paragraph-long synopses for each chapter, ‘big’ endings, the whole deal.
- Live your life as a curious person. Try to see the entire world as your muse. Ask questions. Dismiss nothing. Eavesdrop. Always eavesdrop. You’ll have more fun, learn all the time, and when the time comes to sit down and write, you’ll have a whole line-up of stories just waiting to be told.
- Be fearless. Be glib. Be enigmatic. Read everything you can. Always finish your stories. Find a writing friend who can give you comments and help you get perspective.
- Remember, it only takes one person to say ‘yes’ and open a door. Never give up.
- I recently found a shoe box with 67 rejection letters I’d saved over the years. What kept me writing was the support of other friends who are writers.
- If you’re looking for an agent, Writers Marketplace (the book) is a great place to start. There are also tons of publishing blogs out there with suggestions for agents. It’s mostly about finding someone whose tastes and sensibilities match yours, kind of like falling in love.
Lauren Kate is an internationally best-selling author of young adult fiction. She is well-known for the Fallen series. Her books have been translated into more than 30 languages.
Source for Image: Author’s Website
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