Literary Birthday – 1 February – Kate Braverman

Kate Braverman was born 1 February 1950 and died 12 October 2019.

Seven Quotes

  1. If you can be anything else but a writer, be it.
  2. Writing is like hunting. There are brutally cold afternoons with nothing in sight, only the wind and your breaking heart. Then the moment when you bag something big. The entire process is beyond intoxicating.
  3. Women have waited millions of years, growing separate as another species, with visions and priorities no man-words, no man-measurements can comprehend.
  4. All good writing is built one good line at a time. You build a novel the same way you do a pyramid. One word, one stone at a time, underneath a full moon while the fingers bleed.
  5. To be one woman, truly, wholly, is to be all women. Tend one garden and you will birth worlds.
  6. I find women as writers and as characters are operating within narrow confines. They inherit a kind of ghetto of the soul. I’m trying to enlarge the spectrum.
  7. Unfortunately, the more chaotic the society, the greater is the desire for conservative, non-confrontational art.

Kate Braverman was an American novelist, short story writer, and poet. Her books includes the novels Lithium for Medea, Palm Latitudes, and Yellow Fever. Her works featured extreme female protagonists and explored her love-hate relationship with Los Angeles.

by Amanda Patterson

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Posted on: 1st February 2015