Book Review – The Last Talk With Lola Faye

by Thomas H. Cook (Quercus) ISBN 978 0 85738 150 7

Luke Paige, a published historian thinks he has forever escaped his toxic childhood in Glenville until he comes across the one woman who made it so – Lola Faye Gilroy. Luke believes his father had an affair with Lola Faye and that she was the cause of his family falling apart.

The beginnings of an awkward dialogue, coupled with drinks lead to a revisit of their past and the painful events that transformed their lives.
Although it is a single conversation between Luke and Lola Faye, beneath the surface Thomas H. Cook is meticulous at weaving the past over the present to keep the reader interested. As the conversation progresses, so the reader’s understanding of the main character’s inner struggles with his father and prospective future, develops.

Readers are invited to travel through the memories unearthed by Luke and decide for themselves if there is any genuine reason for his hatred of his childhood and for Lola Faye Gilroy.

Liz Breet

Posted on: 6th November 2011