The Powerful Story of One Man’s Battle to Save A Species by Lawrence Anthony with Richard Spence (Sedgwick & Jackson) R175. ISBN: 9780283071621
For those animal lovers and wannabe conservationists who enjoyed The Elephant Whisperer, a book by the same authors, this is a must-read sequel.
The difference between this book and the former is the political section on the brave negotiations Lawrence Anthony attempted with the terrorist group, the Lord’s Resistance Army in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in order to save the remaining Northern White rhinos.
The usual amusing tales of Anthony’s unique relationship with the elephants at his Thula Thula game reserve are peppered with humorous stories about his colleagues and rangers getting into trouble with animals as well as accounts of rhino poaching.
‘Brave’ and ‘dedicated’ are two fitting words to describe Anthony, who has recently passed away.
I recommend this book as I did the previous one.
Amanda Blankfield