Book Review – Not Dead Yet

by Peter James (Macmillan) ISBN 978-0-230-74727-2

Gia, a world famous Hollywood star, is filming in Brighton. She plays the Queen to the King and they are shooting the movie under an enormous chandelier that hangs over a banqueting table. Everyone is jealous of the actress and her life is at stake. Even with guards on the movie set old flames are out to destroy her.

Detective Superintendent Roy Grace has his work cut out keeping the murderers at bay. There is a story within a story as Grace’s old wife hasn’t been seen for years. He and his new wife are ecstatic at the thought of a new baby on the way. He is selling his house and a mysterious buyer says hello to Grace’s fish, which is very strange.

Gia is kidnapped and the police pursue her through a labyrinth of tunnels until Grace becomes fade to face with the killer.   You cannot put this book down and even when you reach the end you find you are holding onto the book for all its worth, the suspense is so well described.

There are unexpected thrills all through the novel and everything seems very real. A fabulous read.

Dee Andrew

Posted on: 3rd October 2012