Book Review – The Madiba Mindset

Your Own Freedom Charter by Tyrrel Fairhead (Jacana) ISBN 978-1-4324-0248-9

Start by sitting quietly…become aware of your breathing…calm down…think about people who have influenced your life…consider the Madiba Mindset.  Can you remember certain occasions where you have felt successful after applying a certain principle?

This is such a difficult book to describe. It is so enriching so absorbing, so attitude changing, so right for you if you have a negative attitude. What you read here will change your outlook and maybe your future. A goal is a dream with a deadline. You can definitely change your attitude towards your dreams and goals if you read the Madiba Mindset.

It’s about being in control, aiming for the positive, being flexible. When Madiba found his cell too small to exercise in, he started running on the spot. Other inmates saw bars on their cell windows; Madiba saw the stars beyond the bars.

He had lots to overcome, as we know. Whether you have read about him or seen him on TV, or heard about him from someone else, you feel as if you know him, don’t you?  So surely what worked for him can work for us. I don’t know a person on this planet who hasn’t heard of him and how he achieved a positive life.

I found this book simple to read, simple to apply to life. I feel grateful to have had the opportunity to read it. Read it; share it with others less fortunate and what a wonderful world we might live in.

Dee Andrew

Posted on: 19th January 2012