Book Review – Crusher

by Niall Leonard (Random House)  ISBN 978-0-857-53209-1

Finn McGuire discovers his father bludgeoned to death in a pool of blood at his desk. He becomes the prime suspect in his murder. Finn must race against time to clear his name and find out who the real murderer is.

Scouring the sordid London streets of the underworld for answers, Finn faces danger at every turn. He is about to find he people you trust are the ones who deceive you. This story is about blood stained fights, where Finn survives by a whisker. This is a thrilling crime fighting book that takes you from one bloody scene to the next. Terror lives with Finn. No matter where he looks friends turn out to double cross him. The silence of the house when he is alone hides enemies crawling towards him in the dark.

His only ally is himself and in the end he wins and is proved innocent. This is not a book for the faint-hearted but the story grips you and forces you to turn the pages. This is well-written and hard-hitting. It is probably a man’s book, but tough women will welcome the terror.

Dee Andrew
Posted on: 18th January 2013