Book Review – Don’t Close Your Eyes

Don’t Close Your Eyes by Holly Seddon (Corvus) ISBN: 978-1-7823967-1-0

Holly Seddon is the author of Try Not To Breathe. In her second novel, Robin and Sarah are unlikely twins. They don’t even look similar, but they love each other. When they are separated by the divorce of their parents, they find themselves living different lives.

Robin is the lead guitarist of a British Rock band. Sarah and Jim have a baby, Violet, whom Sarah adores, but Jim says she neglects her. Both girls befriend Callum, an only child from one of the marriages. Robin becomes a recluse, but when Callum dies she comes out of her shell, mourning him endlessly.

This story is written in the immediate present, making it tumble from chapter to chapter. Sarah’s narrative is told in first person while Robin’s is in third. It is intriguing and it helps one understand the girls in the end.

Don’t Close Your Eyes is not always a comfortable read, but it is a gripping one.

Dee Andrew

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Posted on: 27th September 2017