Auberon Waugh was born 17 November 1939, and died 16 January 2001.
- You should tell the truth as often as you can, but in such a way as people don’t believe you or think that you’re being funny.
- I don’t suppose there has been a moment in the world’s history where more people felt themselves to be artists, of when less art was produced.
- Generally speaking, the best people nowadays go into journalism, the second best into business, the rubbish into politics and the shits into law.
- Anyone wishing to communicate with Americans should do so by email, which has been specially invented for the purpose, involving neither physical proximity nor speech.
- Anyone in England who puts himself forward to be elected to a position of political power is almost bound to be socially or emotionally insecure, or criminally motivated, or mad.
- Better to go than sit around being a terrible old bore.
Auberon Waugh was an English author and journalist, and the eldest son of Evelyn Waugh. He wrote five novels, including Who are the Violets Now and The Foxglove Saga. Waugh became most famous for his Private Eye diary, which ran from the early 1970s until 1985.
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