Literary Birthday – 17 June – Celia Rees

Happy Birthday, Celia Rees, born 17 June 1949.

Five Quotes

  1. Read good fiction and keep writing. It doesn’t really matter what you write: letters, diary, journals, short stories, it is all good practice.
  2. Ideas can come from anywhere. The trick is to remember them. I keep a note book, which is kind of like a scrap book, where I write down ideas. I also stick in anything that I find interesting.
  3. I think the important thing to do when creating characters is to think of them as real people and think to yourself, how do we get to know real people? We describe what makes them different and we describe their behaviour.
  4. Read as much as possible. You can learn a lot from other writers about how they tell the story, establish a sense of place, and develop characters.
  5. All writers are different. Some began writing when they were children. Others, like me, didn’t start until they were grown up. Some write every day, others when they have time, or when they feel like it. Some plan meticulously, others never plan anything.

Find out more about Celia’s Writing Tips here: The Craft: Celia’s advice for writers

Celia Rees is an English author. Her novels include Witch ChildSorceress, and Pirates! Her books have been translated into 28 languages and she has been short listed for the Guardian, Whitbread and W.H. Smith Children’s Book Awards.

Source for Image

by Amanda Patterson

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Posted on: 17th June 2014