6 Ways To Publish A Book

Find out six ways to publish a book.

Jane Friedman says she is always asked if authors should self-publish or traditionally publish.

She writes, “This is an increasingly complicated question to answer because:

  1. There are now many varieties of traditional publishing and self-publishing—with evolving models and varying contracts.
  2. You won’t find a universal, agreed-upon definition of what it means to ‘traditionally publish’ or ‘self-publish’.
  3. It’s not an either/or proposition. You can do both.”

As authors, we have to choose a route that suits our personality type. We should research the options and decide what we want to achieve with publishing.

Since 2013, Jane has annually updated her informational chart about the key publishing paths.

6 Ways To Publish A Book

This chart divides the field into three identifiable forms of traditional publishing:

  1. Traditional Publishing: Advance and Royalties
  2. Traditional Publishing: No Advance
  3. Traditional Publishing: Digital-Only or Digital-First
And three identifiable forms of self-publishing:
  1. Hybrid Publishing
  2. Self-Publishing
  3. Social/Community Publishing

Here is the chart:

Download 2016_Key_Publishing_Paths_by_Jane_Friedman.pdf

Friedman says, “Feel free to download, print, and share this chart wherever you like. Download the PDF version—ideal for photocopying and distributing—or read the full text version of the article here.”

Top Tip: Find out more about our workbooks and online courses in our shop.

 by Amanda Patterson

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Top Tip: Find out more about our workbooks and online courses in our shop.

Posted on: 4th October 2016