25 types of content that make your blog irresistible

25 Types Of Content That Make Your Blog Irresistible

Writers Write creates blogging resources and shares blog writing tips. In this post, we suggest 25 types of content that make your blog irresistible.

If you run a business in the 21st century, you will have to venture online. In order to run a successful business, you will have to get people to notice you and your brand with a strong social media presence. But before you even think about that, you need to generate content to share via these media.

Why do you need a blog?

You create your content on a blog. Your blog is your headquarters. It where you set ground rules, showcase your brand, establish your reputation, share your knowledge, and show your expertise.

Without a blog, it is difficult, if not impossible, to get a return on investment in social media. You have to create a loyal following and you do this with a regularly-updated interesting blog. If you share content from your blog posts that interests your social media fans, they will follow you all the way back to your headquarters.

And when they do, make sure it is worth their while.

How do you do this? 

Make your content matter. People love blogs that provide specific, well-written, entertaining information that they can use. Most of us follow a link because we want to find ways to accomplish a goal, fix a problem, or be entertained.

Your blog should be more than just a pretty place that offers moderately interesting chitchat. To make it fabulous, it should be a worthwhile place that welcomes, nourishes, and serves people. If you provide content that does this, your guests will want to come back for more and you will find out how creating content leads to sales.

We have provided ideas for content in previous posts, but we wanted to share this useful image with you.

25 Types Of Content That Make Your Blog Irresistible

Remember that the content you create has to be true to your brand while it entertains your customer.

You should be a good writer if you want to blog regularly. The great news is that writing is not an art, it is a craft, and like all crafts it is something you can learn to do. Taking a creative writing course inspires confidence in most people who want to blog, so it may be a good place to start.

P.S. If you want to learn how to blog, join us for The Complete Blogging Course in Johannesburg or sign up for the online version.

If you enjoyed this post, read:

  1. 20 Types Of Content You Don’t Realise You’re Sharing
  2. 30 Inspiring Blog Post Ideas For Writers
  3. Seven Online Tools To Help You Generate Content For Your Blog
Posted on: 12th October 2015

4 thoughts on “25 Types Of Content That Make Your Blog Irresistible”

  1. Dear Amanda,

    This is so weird.

    I woke early yesterday morning with thoughts to start writing in some form or another, to complete the gifted final 4 modules on my e-course “Write Story Books For Children” and start blogging somehow.

    With those thoughts then filed into my mental “To Do Today” list, I picked up my iPad to read through my mail etc.

    And there you were – headlining StumbleUpon with 45 Ways To Avoid Using The Word ‘very’. The rest is a three hour morning spent history of my searching and reading your blogs from all your various social media sites – all of which I belong to in a mostly inactive way. You drew me into your sites as I would love to draw people into mine.

    Long story short (because I know you don’t like long-winded emails) I have been absolutely inspired by you, printed out some of your ‘tips’, following you on Face Book and bookmarked your website.

    If I lived in Johannesburg, I would certainly join one of your courses but I’m a Zimbabwean now happily living in the UK.

    This is to thank you for inspiring me.

    Warm regards
    Dinah Beaton

  2. Amanda Patterson

    Dear Dinah
    Thank you so much for this wonderful feedback. I am glad that it inspires you and that it makes a difference.
    If you dedicate time and love together with great content, you will also create a blog that draws people in. Never strop writing. Never stop blogging.
    Warm regards

  3. Dear Amanda,

    Thank you so much for your warm reply – I wasn’t even sure it had gone through as the iPad at the final stage needed charging.

    Some years back in 2012, I started a blog on WordPress but sadly left it there unattended until today. So, in case you are interested, I have added the URL and since I have been inspired, I will make an effort to get it up and running again with more stories.

    So again – a huge thank you special lady.


  4. Hello Amanda,
    Thanks for your article! These are really good content types that work. It works well both for readers engagement and SEO. But if we talk about SEO, sometimes it’s easier to use content curation tools instead of writing lots of new content. As this article says, publishing curated content can also help you to achieve the same goals and in a much more practical way. Of course, writing new astonishing content is always better if you want to improve the quality, but if the goal is to boost your SEO, content curation might be more preferable.

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