23 Blog Post Ideas For Creative People

23 Interesting Blog Post Ideas For Creative People

We share blogging tips and blogging resources. In this post, we’ve included 23 interesting blog post ideas for creative people.

There are many blog post formats. Many of them are generic and work well for the internet.

I have written extensively about ideas for blogging content in the past. This week I put together a selection of styles and formats for posts that I hope will appeal to creative people.

If you’re looking for a way to flex your creative muscles, try one of these formats for your next blog post.

23 Blog Post Ideas For Creative People

  1. Create a fake job advert. For example: Writing Assistant Needed
  2. Create a fake resume. For example: The Perfect Novelist
  3. Draw something and share it.
  4. Write a post by hand, then photograph and share it.
  5. Make a list of things that start with the same letter. For example: My 5 Favourite Books Whose Titles Begin With A ‘C’
  6. Make an alphabetical list of 26 items starting with each letter of the alphabet. For example: The A-Z of Writing Tips. (Make sure you can find one for each letter of the alphabet.)
  7. Put together a list of your favourite blogs. Write a sentence or two about why you love them.
  8. Put together a list of your favourite Facebook pages. Tell us why you follow them.
  9. Put together a list of your favourite Pinterest boards. Tell us what you like about them.
  10. Put together a list of your favourite Instagram accounts.
  11. Tell a story with gifs or photographs. Or both.
  12. Write a blog as a ransom note.
  13. Write a blog as a wanted poster.
  14. Write a post as a press release.
  15. Write a post as if you are writing a commercial.
  16. Write a blog using a fairy-tale format. Start with ‘Once upon a time…’ and end with ‘And they all lived happily ever after.’
  17. Write a minimalist post in the form of a haiku. Ask readers to share their haikus in the comments section.
  18. Write a post in the form of a rhyming poem.
  19. Write a list of instructions.
  20. Write a post as a shopping list.
  21. Write a post in a recipe format. For example: To write this book, you will need the following ingredients…
  22. Write a post as a letter.
  23. Write an obituary for something that seems to have disappeared, or something you miss. For example: A typewriter.

Happy Blogging.

Top Tip: If you want to learn how to blog, sign up for the online course.

Posted on: 12th September 2016